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Business Process Management

Business processes are the main driver of what makes or breaks a business, and what differentiates it from the competition. Business processes that deliver operational efficiency, business visibility, and agility give the organization the edge by enabling it to conduct business in a low cost, low risk, and dynamic way. Companies in all industries and geographies are focusing more attention and resources on Business Process Management (BPM).

At CMG, our approach to BPM is with a comprehensive, client-focused process that ensures that operational processes support organizational business strategies. It will help you define processes and reengineer workflows in areas targeted for operational improvement and cost reductions. CMG will develop a customized business process transition plan designed to complement your organization's people, culture, facilities and technology.

Our approach to BPM incorporates the following steps:

  • Verify: identify focus areas, collect data, and validate alternatives
  • Record: document processes and workflows, systems and operating procedures, service levels, and define key cost drivers
  • Advise: recommend automation, prescribe new business process procedures, define framework to monitor and track processes, and develop a transition plan
  • Execute: develop project plan, define communication plan, and finalize employee transition training strategy

While many companies provide assistance with specific elements of BPM, CMG’s unique combination of skills and approaches generates value quickly, delivers measurable results and creates durable BPM solutions.

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